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Is the
apocrypha a part of the Bible?
Is the Apocrypha part of the Word
of God or what. It was written separately from the Bible, but I was just wondering if you
have anything to say . Thank you.
"apocrypha" is defined as "writings or statements of dubious authenticity
(not genuine); books included in the Vulgate (Catholic bible), but excluded from the
Jewish and Protestant Bibles" (Merriam Websters Seventh New Collegiate
As you can
see, the Jews have never accepted apocryphal books as part of the Bible, and the true
church of Jesus Christ has never accepted them as part of the Bible, either.
As is
expected, the devil tries to counterfeit everything that God does, and tries to deceive
people. When the Bible was being written, the devil was trying to have corrupt writings
written and added to the Scriptures, but the true church rejected them as corrupt. The
Catholic Church accepted them, to back up their false doctrines like purgatory, and
prayers for the dead, etc.
apocryphal books are to be rejected as corrupt.

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