Leviticus 19:27 says,
“Ye shall not round the
corners of your heads,
neither shalt thou mar
the corners of thy
“Ye shall not round the
corners of your heads.”
This is not saying that
it is wrong to trim a
person’s hair. Ezekiel
44:20 says, “Neither
shall they shave their
heads, nor suffer their
locks to grow long; they
shall only poll their
God specifically told
the priests that He did
not want them “shaving”
their heads. The word
“shave” means “to shave
off bald” (Strong’s
H-1548). God also did
not want them to grow
their hair long: “nor
suffer their locks to
grow long.” The word
“locks” means
“disheveled; a tuft,
tress, or ringlet of
hair; dreadlocks”
(Strong’s H-6545,
Merriam-Webster’s 11th
Collegiate Dictionary).
The word “disheveled”
means, “to throw into
disorder or disarray”
(Merriam-Webster’s 11th
Collegiate Dictionary).
The picture is clear,
that God says when a
man’s hair gets long
enough to look
disordered, and begins
to curl (or is long
enough to put in
dreadlocks)—it is too
long, and needs to be
trimmed. “They shall
only poll their heads.”
The word “poll” means to
“shear” to “clip off the
ends” (Strong’s H-3697,
Webster’s 1828
So God wanted
men to get regular,
decent haircuts—not
shaving their heads
bald, and not waiting
until their hair started
forming locks before
they trimmed it.
In regard to beards, God
said, “neither shalt
thou mar the corners of
thy beard.” This is not
teaching that a man is
to never trim his beard,
because that was the
normal practice of men
in the Bible. 2 Samuel
19:24 says, “And
Mephibosheth the son of
Saul came down to meet
the king, and had
neither dressed his
feet, nor
trimmed his beard,
nor washed his clothes,
from the day the king
departed until the day
he came again in
peace.” It was
immediately noticed that
Mephibosheth had not
trimmed his beard since
David had been gone, so it was the normal
practice of men to trim
their beards.
Leviticus 19:27
(“Ye shall not round the
corners of your heads,
neither shalt thou mar
the corners of thy
is teaching that
we are not to make
“unnatural” or “radical”
cuts to hair on the head
or in the beard. The
word “round” means “to
beat, to strike with
violence” (Strong’s H-5362). The word “mar”
means “to batter,
corrupt, spoil”
(Strong’s H-7843).
Mohawks, flat-tops, and
other artificial shapes
in the hair or beard
were forbidden by
God. The idea is the
same for both the hair
on the head, and the
hair in the beard—the
“look” or the “end
result” of cutting them
should not be like they
have gone through a
war. The appearance
should be natural, decent and
In regards to a beard,
should every man grow
one? Is it wrong for a
man to shave his face?
God did state that He
did not want the priests
shaving their heads, but
nothing is stated about
shaving the beard.
Joseph is seen shaving
in Genesis 41:14, “Then
Pharaoh sent and called
Joseph, and they brought
him hastily out of the
dungeon: and he shaved
himself, and changed his
raiment, and came in
unto Pharaoh.” God did
not rebuke Joseph for
this; in fact, God went
on to greatly bless
Joseph. That being
said, it is obvious that
most men in the Bible
did have beards,
including the Lord Jesus
Christ, whose beard they
plucked out when they
were crucifying Him.
Isaiah 50:6 says, “I
gave my back to the
smiters, and my cheeks
to them that plucked off
the hair: I hid not my
face from shame and