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Are you
sure that the King James Version is better than the NIV?
OK, you state that the KJV is the
ONLY version in English that is ok. I know for a fact that some of the translations in KJV
are not correct. They are no big deal, and fall under the category of " A rose by any
other name would smell just as sweet". The fact is any translations will have some
general problems in perspective. Where one word in Greek may mean something CLOSE to
something in English, but not quite. Example, in the KJV they use the word Charity for the
Greek word agape. Now, charity in this day and age means something altogether different
than it did when KJV translators used it, but it still didn't come close to what Agape
means. Get my meaning? Whether you read KJV or the NIV you are still reading God's
inspired word, but the translations may differ slightly. God does preserve his word, but
there isn't ANYTHING wrong with a pastor explaining what the original Greek/Hebrew was/is
and explaining what the feelings are. That is, after all, what a pastor is for. NO
translations is completely like the original text, it's impossible. Even the KJV has
variances from the original, yes it's true. Translate the new testament!! See for yourself.
the use of the word "charity" in passages such as I Corinthians 13, it is a much
better word to use than the word "love." What does "love" mean to most
people in the English-speaking world? Selfish, sensual pleasure. Someone gratifying their
flesh. Is that what the Bible meaning of love (agape) is? No. The Corinthian people were
selfish in so many ways. Zealous to serve the Lord? Yes. But also zealous to be in the
limelight. That is the best word to use, in that passage, to show that true love is one
that gives and cares about others first.
When people think of the word "charity," they think of
helping others with no repayment. Is that not the highest love of which the Bible
speaks? Luke 6:35 says, "But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for
nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the
Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil."
No honest Christian can call the NIV the Word of God, because its
translators have taken words and portions of verses right out of the Bible (that are in
the originals). Please see the gospel tract on this site called "HIVNIV."
To say that the NIV is just an update of language, is a very deceptive lie of the devil.
As you will see in that gospel tract, who does not understand the word "blood?"
But that is the exact word that the NIV translators removed from the Bible. Once you
accept the removal of even one word from the Bible (and there are many more than that
removed in the NIV), then where are you going to stop? The Bible has a very clear warning
about that very thing in Revelation 22:18,19, "For I testify unto every man that
heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things,
God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall
take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of
the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this
Satan has never changed his tactics since his first successful
temptation of mankind. He said in Genesis 3:1, "Yea, hath God said.....? He put doubt
in Eves mind as to what God really said. That is exactly what the multitude of Bible
translations has done put doubt into peoples minds as to what God has really
said. All of the modern Bible translations have been done based upon the Westcott and Hort
theory and that underlying Greek text. Which means that all of the modern Bible
translations are based upon two unbelieving modernists.
pastor that thinks it is his job to get up and correct the Bible by saying, "The best
manuscripts say ........." is not helping his people to grow, but helping confuse his
people, and causing them to doubt and to wonder what God really did say. I had Greek in my
Bible College training, but most of the people in the pews have not had it. It means
nothing to them. The fact of the matter is that 2 or 3 years of Greek does not come near
to making a pastor an expert in Greek and no where near the caliber of the
translators of the King James Bible. What the people need to hear is something that they
understand English. The pastors job is to give the "sense" of what
the Bible does say not cause the people to wonder what it really does say. Nehemiah
8:8 says, "So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense,
and caused them to understand the reading."
If you
are serious about wanting to know the truth about this subject, then you need to visit the
following Web Site, "http://wayoflife.org/~dcloud/fbns/versfbns.htm".

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