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What makes a marriage legal or recognized by God? I'm Christian, so is my girlfriend. We're both 22 years old now. We have
committed ourselves to each other, with concrete plans for marriage already. We have
engaged in (immorality), but after some discussion, and repentance to God, we decided to
stop this sinful act, and wait till after our marriage. A few questions: 1.
Are we considered married in God's eyes, if we have registered our marriage (as in
recognized by the law of the country), but a church wedding is not completed yet? 2.
We're in a situation whereby registering our marriage and conducting a church wedding are
both not financially feasible (I'm in Uni, she's just started working), can we in some
other way dedicate ourselves to a marriage institution? I've read numerous questions and
answers (with respect to the Bible) that relate to this issue, and many counselors seem to
suggest that verses in the bible apparently wants us to get married, where we can solve
the issue of (intimacy), and not committing the sin of (immorality). So, could I actually
get down on knees with my girlfriend (or as I would rather refer to her as my fiancee) and
ask that God recognizes that we would like to enter into an institution of marriage in His
name, and that from then forth, we're considered married to Him? Your reply to these
would be much appreciated. Thanks.
To my knowledge, a marriage is not recognized by
our government if it is done by just anyone. The person must be an ordained minister, a
mayor of a city, a ships captain, a judge, etc., to legally perform a marriage
ceremony. In all cases, it is someone that is a leader and public figure of sorts that
they can supposedly trust to follow the laws of the land, and not marry people contrary to
the law(s) regarding such a union. Thus, for you and your fiancé to just repeat vows to
yourself in private would violate that law. You would also not have witnesses to your
marriage union, as the law requires.