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Can tattoos be removed? My wife
and I both have tattoos, and I must admit I am sick and tired of them. I am a
christian and I knew better when we got tattooed. They are not offensive tattooes
but I am afraid it wll hurt my witness. This has grieved me ever since we got them.
It is a shame that it costs so much to have them removed. Most people who get
them will regret being tattooed according to statistics Christian and nonchristian. Any
information you may have on the future of tattoo removal would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your letter. I appreciate your
honesty and openness about tattoos. I wish that more churches would be open and unafraid
to tell the truth about them, so Christians could be spared the later regret and expense
involved. As to the cost involved with removal, that probably varies from doctor to
doctor, and what makes it hard is the size of the tattoo and the colors used in it. At our
dermatologist, he has a brochure about tattoo removal in his office. The sad thing is that
not all colors can be removed by laser treatments. A doctor would have to look at what you
have to give you an accurate price for removal, or even if he could remove them at all.
As I looked through our Yellow Pages in the phone book, I see a plastic surgeon that is also advertising "birthmark/tattoo removal." That may be another option for you, especially if you have some colors that lasers are unable to remove.
I would recommend that you and your wife pray about this matter together, and ask the Lord to lead you to a doctor who could help you in the matter of removing the tattoos. Also, that the Lord would help in the matter of providing the needed funds to do so. You can check the Yellow Pages under "Dermatology-Skin" and "Surgery Plastic Reconstructive Cosmetic." You might want to get an opinion from both types of doctors, and then pray about which method would be best. Those doctors would also be able to tell you if health insurance covers their procedures. (Also see the Bible Course on the Christian's Appearance at "")