Final Test



Please study your notes very carefully before taking this test. When you are finished, please return the entire booklet to us for grading. When it is graded, the booklet will be returned to you, and the next available booklet will be sent to you. May God richly guide and bless you!


1. The church is not a building — it is ____________.

2. __________ is the Head of the church.

3. For practical purposes, the church must ________ together to benefit each other.

4. Hebrews 10:25 says that we are not to forsake the ____________________ of ourselves together for church.

5. A Bible study in your home cannot be considered as church unless there are ________________ leaders present and in charge.

6. The local church is necessary because it provides needed ____________________ (communion, or sharing in common).

7. The local church is necessary because it protects against false ________________.

8. The local church is a place to fulfill your __________________ gifts.

9. One duty of the local church is to tell others how to be __________.

10. After a person is saved, it is our duty to teach him that he needs to be ________________.

11. Another duty of the local church is to send out and support ________________________.

12. Giving to missions will never bring you peace if God has called you to ____.

13. Broken bread is to be used in observing the Lord’s Supper, because it is to picture Jesus’ broken ________ for us.

14. When observing the Lord’s Supper, the juice in the cup is to be __________ juice.

15. Jesus’ miracle at the wedding was making more grape juice - not alcoholic wine — because if the people were intoxicated, and He made them more alcohol, then He would have been helping a bunch of drunken people get more __________!

16. The most important duty of the local church is to worship the Lord, because the greatest commandment is to “________ the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”

17. A tithe is __________________ of a person’s income.

18.. The tithe was practiced long before the law was given to Moses. Two examples are ______________ and __________.

19. According to Malachi 3:8, a person is ______________ God if he does not give tithes and offerings.

20. After Peter preached a gospel message, 3,000 people were saved, baptized, and __________ to the church.

21. You cannot be put out of a group unless you are a ____________ of it.

22 If you are serious about living for Jesus Christ, then you need to ________ a good Bible-preaching church.




How The Bible Says You Can Be Saved

1. Do you realize that you have sinned? (Rom. 3:23) (I John 1:8)

2. Do you realize the penalty for your sin? (Rom. 6:23)

3. Do you realize that if you die in your sin, you will go to hell?  (Psa. 9:17) (Prov. 15:24) (Luke 12:4,5)

4. Do you realize that the Lord Jesus Christ paid that death penalty for you? (Rom. 5:8) (I Pet. 3:18) (I Pet. 2:24)

5. Do you realize that it is only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that you can be saved, and not through any good works of your own? (I John 1:7) (I Pet. 1:18,19) (Eph. 2:8,9) (Titus 3:5-7)

6. Do you realize that after Jesus died for your sins, He arose victorious from the grave the third day, proving that His sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all of the sins of the whole world? (I Cor. 15:1-4)

7. Do you realize that to be saved you must repent (you must have the desire to turn from your sin and false beliefs, and for the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse you from all your sin)? (Luke 13:3) (Acts 3:19) (Acts 26:20)

8. Do you realize that after you get saved, God’s first command for you is for you to get baptized and then to live for Him?  (Acts 2:41) (II Cor. 5:17)

9. Are you ready to now pray and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you? (John 1:12) (Rom. 10:13) (I John 5:13)

* If you are, then bow your head right now and confess to God that you are a sinner deserving judgment. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you. Ask Him to cleanse your life, and to give you the power to live for Him. Ask Him to lead you to a good, Bible-preaching church, where you can follow the first command after salvation — that of getting baptized and publicly confessing your faith in Him. Ask Him to help you find some good Christian friends to encourage you in the faith and to help you grow.


q — I have just asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me.



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 * If you have just received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, please write to us at the address below,

or copy this page and send it to us via email, so that we may rejoice with you.




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Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Final Test   Liberty Bible Course Directory