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A Double Brush With Death


Two times, I had a brush with death—the death of others.


      I was born in Greenville, Michigan, the second of three sons, to a carpenter and his wife.  Both of my parents were ambitious, hard workers.

      We lived across the field from my grandparents, who owned an 100 acre farm.  I loved the outdoors.  I loved to roam through the fields and woods, and to go hunting.  I loved to drive off-road vehicles through the valleys and over the hills.


My first brush with death,

came in an hunting incident.


My older brother and I were hunting that day with another man from our church.  We were hunting in the swamps, which were surrounded by thick brush.  Good hunters always keep track of where their fellow hunters are.  I thought that I knew where my brother was—but I was wrong.


A game bird went up in the air, and I quickly raised my 20 gauge shotgun—“BOOM!”


Instantly, my brother cried out, “Don’t shoot!  Don’t shoot!”

He had been hit.


Thoughts raced through my mind, in those split-seconds following that shot.  “Why did I shoot!!!?”  “How could I have not known that my brother was in that direction!!!?”  “Did I kill my brother!!!?” 

“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.  For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (Holy Bible, James 4:14, KJV). 

Two pellets from that shotgun shell had hit my brother—one in the leg, and the other in the collarbone.  He ended up being okay, and did not require any surgery, but it was a very emotional brush with death for me—but it would not be the last one.  I still hunted after that, but it ceased to be an idol in my life.

As I grew older, something else began to consume my thoughts and my time—cars.  One night as I pulled into the church parking lot with my beloved Camaro, there was a crowd of people near the door.


As I approached the crowd, I glanced to my left.

  In that split second, I heard a “THUD!”

against my right front fender.


I instantly slammed on my brakes—but I could not see anyone. 


I quickly shut off the car, and made sure that it did not move an inch.  As I jumped out, ladies began screaming, “Back up!  You’re right on top of her!”


Once again, in those split seconds, thoughts were racing through my mind: “Did I just kill someone!!!?”  “Who did I hit!!!?

It was a little 3 year old girl who had darted away from her parents and out of the crowd—running right into my path.  My right front tire had not run over her, but had her little leg pinned so tightly to the tar, that it left a mark on it like a floor burn, the width of my tire.

It took me a little while to realize why God was allowing these things to come into my life.  As a little 6 year old boy, I had heard a series of messages.


I had learned that the Lord JESUS Christ is COMING,

and that I was NOT READY

to face Him, because of my sin.


“For the wages of sin is death” (Holy Bible, Romans 6:23, KJV).  “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT IS CONDEMNED ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (Holy Bible, John 3:18, KJV). 

I knew that I was not ready, and that if Jesus came, I would be left behind, and one day would be cast into hell.  As I lay in my bed one Sunday night, after hearing this series of messages at church, I turned from my sin to the Lord Jesus Christ, and asked Him to save me.  “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Holy Bible, Romans 10:9, KJV). 

God had allowed these brushes with death to happen to me, because I was putting those things (hunting, cars, etc.) before Him.  “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (Holy Bible, 1 John 5:21, KJV).    What IDOLS do YOU have, bringing heartaches to your life?

Are you saved?  You might not have tomorrow.  That BULLET, or that CAR, may kill YOU, and where will you spend eternity?

“Dear Lord Jesus, I do believe that you are the Son of God; that you are God Almighty in the flesh, the Creator of heaven and earth.  I do believe that you are the only Savior; that you died on the cross for me, and gave your precious blood to pay my sin debt; and then you arose from the grave the third day.  I do now repent of my sins, and receive you as my Savior.  Please forgive me, and save my soul.  Please raise up my life from sin and shame, and use it now for your glory.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” 


 Yes, I just asked the Lord Jesus Christ to

   save me, and I desire to now live for Him.

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God wants you to now openly confess Him by getting baptized under the water at a good Bible-preaching church, and to faithfully attend the services there.  If you will write to us, we have some excellent Bible Study booklets to help you learn more.


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