Chapter 4


IV. Cologne/Perfume And Makeup.


A. In regard to men.

    1. In Exodus 30:22-30, a fragrant mixture was blended to anoint the tabernacle vessels and furniture, and also to anoint __________ and his sons. (vs.30)

    2. According to verses 31-33 of that same chapter, ____ _______ else could use it.

    3. In Luke 7:37-47, Jesus allowed His feet to be anointed with _________________.

    4. Jesus allowed Mary to anoint His feet with a very costly ointment, and it was so fragrant, that the house was ____________ with the odor. (John 12:1-3)

    5. Psalm 45:6-8 talks of being anointed with “the oil of _________________,” and thus his garments smelling like all sorts of good smells.


There seems to be nothing wrong with men wearing

colognes which help them to smell good. If there

was something wrong with it, God would have

certainly forbidden the priests from wearing it.


B. In regard to women.


    1. Perfume.

        a. Proverbs 27:9 says that “Ointment and ______________ rejoice the heart.”

        b. When Naomi was instructing Ruth how to Scripturally get a husband, she told her to “Wash thyself therefore, and ____________ thee.” (Ruth 3:1-3)


There also seems to be nothing in the Bible which

would forbid a woman from the wearing of perfume.

Whether with men, or with women, God wants

people to smell good — not repulsive.


Note: God wanted the priests that served in His presence to smell good, just like you want the person who sits or works close to you to smell clean and fresh. When people work or perspire, they usually need something to aid them in not smelling repulsive.

If you want to point other people to Jesus Christ, smelling repulsive is certainly not going to help you in that goal. A daily bath, change of clothes, and some good-smelling cologne/perfume never killed anyone, but the lack of it has just about killed many a person!

Question: When do you normally put on your cologne/perfume? When you go out somewhere? When you go to work? When you go to church?

If you only want to make sure that you smell good when you are going out in public, what kind of a message is that sending to your husband/wife and family?

        c. Immoral women use perfume to entice men to sin with them, as in Proverbs 7:10-17, “I have _____________ my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.”

Note: At a time when a record number of homes are breaking up, you had better think about looking and smelling nice for those who matter the most — your husband/wife, and your family.


    2. Makeup.

        a. In II Kings 9:30-37, wicked Queen Jezebel “______________ her face, and tired her head.” (vs.30)

        b. According to Jeremiah 4:30, “though thou rentest thy ________ with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair.”


Note: The word rentest means “to tear apart.” The word is used in regard to women using makeup in such a way as to make their eyes standout and look bigger than they are. This is done by painting the eyelids and the eyelashes.

        c. Proverbs 6:24-26 refers to an immoral woman and says, “neither let her take thee with her ______________.”


This verse makes it clear that the purpose of making

the eyes stand out, is to get a man’s attention,

and to break down his will. No passage in Scripture

puts makeup in a very favorable light.


Note: Some young ladies would think that it was a tragedy if they did not have their makeup on, and they happened to meet a prospective young man. They are setting themselves up for a fall someday. If a man will not be attracted to you for what you really are, then what makes you think he will stay with you when he finds out what you really look like after you are married? If a man has to have a painted up doll to love, then what will he do when gray hair and wrinkles come to you?



    1. A fragrant mixture was blended to anoint the tabernacle vessels and furniture, and also to anoint __________ and his sons.

    2. Jesus allowed Mary to anoint His feet with an ointment so fragrant, that it ____________ the house with the odor.

    3. Proverbs 27:9 says that “Ointment and ______________ rejoice the heart.”

    4. Naomi instructed Ruth to wash herself and “____________ thee,” when preparing to get a husband.

    5. Whether men or women, God wants people to smell ________ — not repulsive.

    6. Jeremiah 4:30 says, “though thou rentest thy ________ with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair.”

    7. Proverbs 6:24-26 warns not to let an immoral woman “take thee with her ______________.”

    8. ____ passage in Scripture puts makeup in a very favorable light.

   9. If a man will not be __________________ to you for what you really are, then what makes you think he will stay with you when he finds out what you really look like after you are married?


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