Final Test

Money Part 1


When you are finished with this test, please return the entire booklet back to us for grading. When it is graded, the booklet will be returned to you, along with the next booklet. May God richly guide you and give you wisdom from your study of this subject!

1. Abraham lived before the giving of the Old Testament law to Moses, and he gave Melchizedek “____________ of all.” (Genesis 14:20)

2. Jacob, who also lived before the giving of the Old Testament law, promised God, “of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the __________ unto thee.”

3. Tithing was commanded under the Old Testament law in Deuteronomy 14:22, where it says, “Thou shalt truly ____________ all the increase of thy seed...”

4. Malachi 3:8 says that people who do not tithe are robbing God. “Will a man rob God? Yet have ye robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In ____________ and offerings.”

5. I Timothy 5:17 says that the elders who rule well should “be counted worthy of ____________ honour.”

6. The Bible says that “The labourer is worthy of his ____________.”

7. I Corinthians 9:13,14 teaches us that “Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should ________ of the gospel.” (New Testament ministers should be financially supported from the work of the local church).

8. Tithes and offerings are to be given from a pure, ______________ heart.

9. The Lord had _______________ unto Abel’s offering, but not unto Cain’s.

10. One reason was that Cain’s was a __________________ sacrifice.

11. Hebrews 9:22 reminds us that “Without shedding of __________ is no remission.”

12. Our gifts and money mean nothing to God, if we do not bring them with a __________ heart.

13. Exodus 35:5 tells us, “Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD: whosoever is of a ______________ heart.”

14. II Corinthians 9:7 says, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not _____________________, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

15. Jesus did not condemn the poor widow for only casting in ______ mites into the offering, but commended her for her faith in casting in all that she had.

16. Part of our worship for the Lord is bringing an offering to Him, and the males in the Old Testament were told, “they shall not appear before the LORD ___________: Every man shall give as he is _________.”

17. To be Scriptural, churches should give people the opportunity to give to the Lord ___________ time that they meet (for church services).

18. According to Jesus, we are to “Render therefore unto ______________ the things that are Caesar’s; and unto ______ the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:18).

19. Jesus made it very clear — the government ________ have the right to collect taxes from the people.

20. The Jews knew their limits under the Romans, and so said, “It is not ____________ for us to put any man to death.”

21. Pilate was the official judge over Jesus’ trial, and his verdict in John 18:38 was, “I find in him ______ fault at all.”

22. It was the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus. John 19:23 says, “Then the ________________, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part.”

23. The point is this, How much more wicked could a government possibly be, than to put to death the totally ________________ and pure Son of God?

24. The religious tax evaders say, “If you pay taxes to a government that allows little babies to be put to death in the womb (abortion), then you are a ________________.”

25. But it was to this very government — the wicked Roman government that put Jesus to death, that Jesus made His statement that they were to ______ what was due to the government.

26. Some argue, “Well the Scripture ____________________ that Jesus had to die, so that does not count.”

27. But what about the other innocent people that the Roman government put to death later? Acts 12:1, 2 says, “About that time Herod the _________ stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed ____________ the brother of John with the sword.”

28. Government leaders will one day answer to ______ for how they have ruled.

29. A believer has to sometimes disobey a law of the government, if it would cause him to directly and ____________________ disobey a law of God.

30. An example of this was in Egypt, when the midwives were told in Exodus 1:15,16, “When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall ______ him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.”

31. “But the midwives feared God, and did ______ as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but saved the men children alive.”

32. Some of the tax evaders claim that if we pay taxes, then we are no better than the doctors and nurses who perform the abortions; or than the German soldiers who obeyed Hitler and slaughtered the Jews, but from the above example, we see that that is a ___________ accusation.

33. It was of the wicked Roman government that the Christians in the churches were commanded, “Render therefore to all their dues: ______________ to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom...” (Romans 13:7)

34. Proverbs 22:7 tells us that “The borrower is ______________ to the lender.”

35. We should be willing to ________ about things before we rush right out and buy them.

36. Many miracles are missed, because people are not willing to ________ upon God to provide the things that they need.

37. Philippians 4:19 reminds us that “God shall supply all your ________ according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

38. There may be times that God will provide some work to do to meet a need, because Proverbs 13:11 tells us, “He that gathereth by ____________ shall increase.”

39. I Timothy 5:8 tells us how God hates laziness, “But if any ______________ not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

40. We need to be faithfully serving God if we want our needs met, because Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye ____________ the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

41. People rob God by withholding something from Him described in Malachi 3:8-10. “Will a man rob God? Yet have ye robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In ____________ and offerings.”

42. A believer is told to give loans to help those in need, but that will not mean to everyone, because Psalm 112:5 says, “A good man showeth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with ___________________.

43. Loans in the Bible were limited to a certain number of years, revealed in Deuteronomy 15:1-3, “At the end of every ___________ years thou shalt make a release.”

44. One reason that Christians are not helping out others with interest-free loans, is greed. When you have a great deal of money, it can earn a good deal of ________________ each month.

45. It is sad that these people are laying up treasure upon __________, instead of in heaven.

46. According to Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary, interest is “a charge for ________________ money.”

47. The Bible does allow charging interest to people who are not related, or who are not saved, because Deuteronomy 23:20 says, “Unto a _________________ thou mayest lend upon usury.”

48. The Bible does not allow charging interest to people who are related, or who are saved, because it says in Deuteronomy 23:19, “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy ______________; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury.”

49. If you took a poor brother into your house to stay for a while, you could not “make a profit” off of his stay with you — only your ____________ extra costs.

50. A brother taken into your home is to ________ — not to be lazy and live off of you.

51. The Bible says in II Thessalonians 3:10, “If any would not work, neither should he ______.”

52. It is not wrong to earn interest on money, because Luke 19:23 says, “Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the ________, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury?”

53. The Bible encourages ambition — but not __________.

54. It is not wrong to draw interest on your money, but if you can use it to draw heavenly interest by helping those in need, then do not be foolish enough to lay up _______________ treasure.

55. Psalm 112:5 says, “A good man showeth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with _____________________.” Do not expect people to lend you money, if you carelessly spend that which you get.





How The Bible Says You Can Be Saved

1. Do you realize that you have sinned? (Rom. 3:23) (I John 1:8)

2. Do you realize the penalty for your sin? (Rom. 6:23)

3. Do you realize that if you die in your sin, you will go to hell?  (Psa. 9:17) (Prov. 15:24) (Luke 12:4,5)

4. Do you realize that the Lord Jesus Christ paid that death penalty for you? (Rom. 5:8) (I Pet. 3:18) (I Pet. 2:24)

5. Do you realize that it is only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that you can be saved, and not through any good works of your own? (I John 1:7) (I Pet. 1:18,19) (Eph. 2:8,9) (Titus 3:5-7)

6. Do you realize that after Jesus died for your sins, He arose victorious from the grave the third day, proving that His sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all of the sins of the whole world? (I Cor. 15:1-4)

7. Do you realize that to be saved you must repent (you must have the desire to turn from your sin and false beliefs, and for the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse you from all your sin)? (Luke 13:3) (Acts 3:19) (Acts 26:20)

8. Do you realize that after you get saved, God’s first command for you is for you to get baptized and then to live for Him?  (Acts 2:41) (II Cor. 5:17)

9. Are you ready to now pray and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you? (John 1:12) (Rom. 10:13) (I John 5:13)

* If you are, then bow your head right now and confess to God that you are a sinner deserving judgment. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you. Ask Him to cleanse your life, and to give you the power to live for Him. Ask Him to lead you to a good, Bible-preaching church, where you can follow the first command after salvation — that of getting baptized and publicly confessing your faith in Him. Ask Him to help you find some good Christian friends to encourage you in the faith and to help you grow.


q — I have just asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me.



(sign name here)








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