Chapter 2

II. See The Penalty of Sin.

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)


A. Sin brings death.

1. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages, or payment, of sin is __________.

2. According to Romans 5:12, death entered into the world because of ______.

3. That same verse further states that all men will die because ______ have sinned.

4. Because of man’s sin, we read in Genesis 3:22-24 that he was barred from eating of the __________________________; so, physically, he would not live forever.

Note: It is very clear that God created man to physically live forever. There was to be no death; but, because of man’s sin, death entered into the world.


B. Sin brings spiritual death.

1. God warned Adam that if he ate of the forbidden tree, he would die that very ______, according to Genesis 2:17.

2. That could not have referred to physical death, because they continued to live and face certain consequences. Please read Genesis 3:16-19, and see what the consequences were.

a. The woman would now face greatly multiplied sorrow (in the form of labor and pain) in conception, and in bringing forth ________________.

b. Adam would have sorrow (in the form of labor and pain), because the ___________ would now be cursed. He would have to work hard in the sweat of his face to provide food for his family.


It is obvious that Adam and Eve did not die physically

the day that they sinned, because God handed down

physical hardships with which they now had to live.

So in what way did they die that day?


Note: Please notice the following questions to discover the answer.

3. Please read John 3:1-12, and fill in the following blanks.

    a. Jesus said in verse 3, that except a person is ________ again, he will not be able to see the kingdom of God.

    b. In verse 4, Nicodemus wonders how he is ever going to fit back into his mother’s ________ to be born for the second time.

    c. Jesus makes it clear in verses 5 and 6 that He is not talking about two physical births.

        1.) “That which is born of the flesh is __________.”

        2.) “That which is born of the Spirit is ____________.”


Note: Jesus makes it very clear that He is referring to two separate births — a physical one, and a spiritual one.

Illustration: In verse 8, Jesus gives a picture of the spiritual birth by comparing it to the ________.


You cannot see the wind, but you can certainly see

what it does to the trees and objects in its path.

Even so, you cannot see the actual spirit of a person

being “born again” (because the spirit of a person is

invisible like the wind), but you can sure see

the effect of such a birth in a person's life.


That person will experience a new desire to do right, so bad attitudes and habits will change. This does not mean that the person suddenly becomes perfect (we will not be perfect until we get to heaven). But just as the wind moves things in the direction it is blowing, so God will move the believer in the direction of righteousness.

4. James 2:26 says that the body without the __________ is dead.

Note: There is much controversy over exactly when life starts, and when it ends. Psalm 51:5 showed us earlier that the sin nature is passed down at conception, so a person is “living” at that moment.

The medical definition of death has changed over the years. It used to be that when a heartbeat or pulse could no longer be detected, the person was considered to be dead. Now, with machines capable of pumping blood and oxygen into a person whose body has ceased to function, a new definition of death has been put forth.

It is now accepted medically, that a person has died when the brain waves cease.


The Bible defines physical death as “the moment

when the spirit leaves the body.”


But the Bible speaks of more than just one death, the physical death. Please study the following verses to discover what other death a person could possibly experience.

5. In Revelation 20:6, a person is said to be blessed and holy if he has a part in the first resurrection, because the ____________ death will have no power over him.

6. According to Revelation 20:14, the second death occurs when death and hell are cast into the ____________________________.


Death is never “ceasing to exist”.   Death is separation.

#1 — Physical death is when the spirit is separated

from the body.

#2 — Spiritual death is when the spirit is separated from God.

(This is what happened the day that Adam and Eve sinned.

The only way they could ever be united again with God

in their spirits, would be if they were spiritually

“born again,” or “brought to life.”)

#3 — The second death is when a person is

physically and spiritually separated from God forever.

(The lost person is physically resurrected to stand

before God at the Great White Throne Judgment, and then

cast into the lake of fire to be separated from God forever.)


7. Daniel 12:2 says that many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth (they are physically dead) shall awake (they will be physically resurrected). But their resurrections are quite different. “Some to everlasting life (here referring to Old Testament believers receiving their new glorified bodies), and some to __________ and everlasting contempt” (here referring to lost people being physically resurrected to experience that second death — eternal separation from God).

8. According to John 5:28,29, “______ that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth.”

9. What happens when they are resurrected is not the same for everyone, because verse 29 says, “they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of __________________.”

10. Acts 24:15 teaches the same thing, that lost people will be physically resurrected to face an eternal judgment, because it says, “there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and ____________.”

Illustration: Please read Luke 16:19-31 to discover what it is like immediately after a person dies.

To the person who is spiritually born again, it is peace and comfort. But to the person who is spiritually dead, it is pain and torment.


Notice that a person’s decision cannot be changed after death occurs.


The rich man in this story has yet to face the Great White Throne Judgment, where he will be cast into the lake of fire.

Question: Do you realize that the penalty for your sin is not only physical death, but also a second death in the lake of fire forever?

q YES q NO



1. The wages of sin is __________.

2. Death entered into the world because of ______.

3. What are the two ways to be born?



4. A body without the ____________ is dead.

5. Death is never ceasing to exist, but is only ___________________.

6. List the three deaths below which man can die:




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