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In order to order more than one of each item, you must create an account. However, please note that we reserve the right to cancel your account at any time. If you cannot log in with your credentials at any point in the future, you will have to re-enter your info into the Register for an Account form and create a new account.

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1. Do you believe that God has inspired His Word without error?*
2. Do you believe that God has preserved His Word without error?*
(If you answered "Yes" to the above question, which translation do you believe is the pure, preserved Word of God, without error, in your language?*
3. Do you believe that God created the world, and every living thing, in a literal 6 days?*
4. Do you believe that Jesus is God Almighty?*
5. Do you believe that Jesus came to earth; was born of a virgin birth; lived a perfect life; died on the cross for our sins; and then rose victorious from the grave the third day?*
6. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is God Almighty?*
7. Do you believe that the Holy Spirit indwells and seals every true believer the moment that he/she gets saved?*
8. Do you believe that man is a sinner, and is going to hell unless he gets saved?*
9. Do you believe that people who do not receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior, will spend eternity being tormented in a literal lake of fire?*
10. Do you believe in a literal place called paradise or heaven, where saved people go immediately upon death?*
11. Do you believe that the sinless blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that can cleanse a person from his sin?*
12. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is coming back for the church before the Tribulation Period starts?*
13. Do you believe that a Christian can lose his salvation?*
14. Do you believe that every Christian should obey the Lord and get baptized under the water?*
15. Do you believe that baptism washes away our sins?*
16. Do you smoke or chew tobacco?*
17. Do you drink alcohol?*
18. Do you agree with the present day Tongues or Charismatic movement, and think that it is Scriptural?*
19. Do you think that it is Scriptural for women to be pastors of churches?*
20. Do you think that contemporary music with a rock beat is okay to use in churches?*
21. Do you promise that to your knowledge you will not let our material be sold, but only given away free of charge?*
22. How will this material be used?*
25. Are you requesting to translate our material into another language?*