Final Test

Marriage Part 4


When you are finished with this test, please return the entire booklet back to us for grading. When it is graded, the booklet will be returned to you, along with the next booklet on marriage. May God richly guide you and give you wisdom from your study of this subject!

    1. The Bible does not say where you have to get married. You can get married anywhere. But a Christian couple should naturally want to get married in God’s __________.

    2. The church is the place of the pillar and ground of the __________. We should want our marriages to have a foundation of total honesty and truth.

    3. We also need to remember that our marriages are to be a picture of Christ’s relationship to the ____________. So what better place to get married than in the church building?

    4. While it is true that the church building is only a building, it is also true that it is a building dedicated to ______.

   5. In the Bible, the ______________ family paid for the wedding.

    6. Remember that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and His church. Jesus is the __________, and we who are saved are the __________. Did we (the Bride) pay anything to enter into this relationship with Christ? No. Our Groom, the Lord Jesus Christ, paid the complete price for us to be one with Him.

    7. Why does God want the man to pay for the wedding ceremony? Because the man is to provide for the home, and to lead in it. The wedding ceremony is the official start of that home. Whoever controls the money in the home — controls the decisions made there. Whoever controls the money — __________ the home.

    8. If you are going to start out the home with the bride leading, and the groom liking it that way, ________ are you going to get things right, scripturally?

    9. An important note to both sets of parents is that the marriage ceremony is the ____________________ of your children from being members of your households, to the responsibility of having households of their own. The marriage ceremony is the first thing that they will do together. Therefore, as much as is possible, let them plan the wedding themselves.

    10. Genesis 2:24 says, "Therefore shall a man __________ his father and his mother, and shall ____________ unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

    11. Parents should not try to ____________ their lives through their children’s marriages. If they do, they will end up provoking their children to wrath.

    12. If the daughter-in-law gets the feeling that their wedding is really the mother-in-law’s wedding (because she seems to be making all of the __________________), then their relationship is going to be strained right from the start.

    13. The mother of the bride needs to remember that her son-in-law is responsible before God to ________ his home. Therefore, she should be careful not to be a source of conflict for him.

    14. The groom is always to love and honor his parents, but with the planning of the wedding, he is in a transition period where he must start putting his __________ first (under and after Christ).

    15. A godly young couple will sit down ________________ and make the wedding plans.

    16. What if the groom and his parents are poor? How are they supposed to pay for the wedding? There are two possibilities. First, the groom and bride should be ______________ to have a simple wedding ceremony, if that is all that is possible. Second, others can help them out with money, if they wish to do so.

    17. I Timothy 6:6,7 says, "But godliness with ____________________ is great gain."

    18. A groom and bride’s bodies are reserved for each other, and should never be carelessly displayed before the whole ________________________ assembled for the wedding.

    19. The church building is dedicated to God as a house of worship and prayer, but it is defiled by many a marriage into a house of ________ as the bride and the bridesmaids bare their flesh for all to see. If Jesus were to come to such marriages, He would drive the whole wedding party right out of there!

    20. It is foolish to think that a Christian couple’s wedding can be more romantic using ______________ love songs, rather than psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. A groom and bride will never be more close and loving to each other, than when they are putting the Lord first in their lives. Worldly songs will lead to worldly lust.

    21. The wedding ceremony is the couple’s first chance to minister as a family. Remember, while the groom and bride are busily involved in a multitude of things, the guests are doing a lot of waiting. If the couple has arranged to have psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs played for their guests as they wait for the ceremony to begin; and then during the ceremony; and then also afterwards as the guests are waiting to be dismissed; it will have a ____________________ impact upon their guests.

    22. In the Bible, it was always a sign of ______________________ to feed your guests.

    23. Some people at the wedding will probably be like the wayfaring man — from a distance away. If they travel from their homes to honor the young couple at their wedding, the hospitable thing to do is to ________ and refresh them before they go on their way back home.

    24. Obviously, drinking ____________ and lustful dancing should not a be part of any Christian’s wedding.

    25. Young couples miss a wonderful opportunity to give people a chance to hear the gospel and be saved, when they limit the wedding to certain ____________ only.

    26. There is nothing wrong with requesting that people RSVP, to help you plan approximately how much food to prepare. But the invitation should make it clear that all are ______________ to come.

    27. Do not use a wedding as a time to further ____________________ in the family or between friends. Let God use it as a time to save sinners, and to heal wounds.




How The Bible Says You Can Be Saved

1. Do you realize that you have sinned? (Rom. 3:23) (I John 1:8)

2. Do you realize the penalty for your sin? (Rom. 6:23)

3. Do you realize that if you die in your sin, you will go to hell?  (Psa. 9:17) (Prov. 15:24) (Luke 12:4,5)

4. Do you realize that the Lord Jesus Christ paid that death penalty for you? (Rom. 5:8) (I Pet. 3:18) (I Pet. 2:24)

5. Do you realize that it is only through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that you can be saved, and not through any good works of your own? (I John 1:7) (I Pet. 1:18,19) (Eph. 2:8,9) (Titus 3:5-7)

6. Do you realize that after Jesus died for your sins, He arose victorious from the grave the third day, proving that His sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all of the sins of the whole world? (I Cor. 15:1-4)

7. Do you realize that to be saved you must repent (you must have the desire to turn from your sin and false beliefs, and for the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse you from all your sin)? (Luke 13:3) (Acts 3:19) (Acts 26:20)

8. Do you realize that after you get saved, God’s first command for you is for you to get baptized and then to live for Him?  (Acts 2:41) (II Cor. 5:17)

9. Are you ready to now pray and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you? (John 1:12) (Rom. 10:13) (I John 5:13)

* If you are, then bow your head right now and confess to God that you are a sinner deserving judgment. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins, and to save you. Ask Him to cleanse your life, and to give you the power to live for Him. Ask Him to lead you to a good, Bible-preaching church, where you can follow the first command after salvation — that of getting baptized and publicly confessing your faith in Him. Ask Him to help you find some good Christian friends to encourage you in the faith and to help you grow.


q — I have just asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save me.



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 * If you have just received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, please write to us at the address below,

or copy this page and send it to us via email, so that we may rejoice with you.



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