Explain the gospel of Jesus.Continue reading
Liberty Gospel Tracts
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Explain the gospel of Jesus.Continue reading
I have really been thinking about things lately and wondered, with all the different denominations of churches and different versions of the bible, do you really think God will condemn those that have been misled. What if these people are doing what they think is right?Continue reading
Now, I know that most Christians believe that Christ died for our sins, but I had a person who says that he is a Christian explain it to me different. He feels that many Christians have been misled for different reasons, one being they have strayed from the Authorized King James Version of the bible. Anyway, he claims that when the bible speaks of Jesus ‘dying for our sins’, it does not mean that he ‘died for our sins’. Ok let me explain. He claims that the word ‘for’ has about 14 different meanings. And in this case, the word for means because. So this is his reasoning. He feels that there is no way that Christ died to take away our sins, otherwise the world would be different.Continue reading
Are all those who do not believe or have not been given the chance to believe cast to hell? Are those who have lived with out knowing of the Bible or it’s teachings condemned? What of those who were around before “Christianity” was a religion? And are those currently who are raised in a non Christian home or country also hell bound? If so why does God condemn these good people? Is that not in it self an act of evil?Continue reading
If a person does not lose his salvation, then obviously when he sins, he gets chastened. But what about a scenario when a person premeditates a sin… and right after, asks for forgiveness. Would the Lord still forgive that sin? And what about a time when people sin, knowing that they can ask for forgiveness later? What about that too? Thank you so much.Continue reading
Predestination vs. Freewill. I believe God is all powerful and all mighty and can do anything… no boundaries. But I also believe that he gives us the choice to choose which path we take. I also believe that when we call upon him, he helps us make the right decision. Many believe that our life is laid out before us like a road map, from beginning to end. If this theory is correct, and some are designed for hell and others destined for heaven, why pray…or worship.. or learn. Because if life is “laid out” nothing matters. Am I way off base??Continue reading
Was Noah, Moses, Abraham, and the rest of Old Testament greats, aware or concerned, or did they even know of eternal life?Continue reading
Why do you believe that Christianity is the only way, while other religions been around for thousands of years before Christianity became a dominate religion through wars, genocide and slavery?Continue reading
Can widows lose their salvation?Continue reading
I read one of the answers to one of the questions, and you said no one is ever mentioned as being “blot out of the book of life”, if so, could you explain Revelation:22:19: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. I know it doesn’t say “blot out” but it says “take away his part out.”Continue reading