Chapter 3


III. What Is It Like In Hell?


A. Physically.


Note: Strictly speaking, people in hell right now are there in the spirit — not in the flesh. They will be physically resurrected at the Great White Throne Judgment and cast into the lake of fire, but that is something we will discuss later. But even now, they feel tremendous physical torment.


Illustration: If you have ever spoken to someone who has had a finger, hand, arm, foot, or some other body part amputated or cut off in an accident, you know that that person could still “feel” the missing limb. They feel the pain, and try to move that part of their bodies, even though it has been removed. Even so, those people now in hell feel all of the torment of a physical body.


Note: The Scripture really only refers to two bodies. I Corinthians 15:44 says there is a natural body and there is a __________________ body. This passage is specifically referring to saved people. We are born with “natural” or “physical” bodies. Then at the rapture, we are raised to receive our “spiritual” or “glorified” bodies.

Therefore, according to Scripture, there are no special “intermediate” bodies for people in between death and the resurrection day.

But it is also true that there are many things about the spirit realm that we do not yet fully understand. According to Hebrews 1:14, angels are “ministering ______________, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.” So angels are “spirit” beings, but they have often appeared in “physical” forms, capable of all normal physical activities.


Illustration: In Genesis 18:1-8, the Lord and two angels appeared to Abraham as three men in bodies. These bodies were capable of everything that ours are, because in verse 8, Abraham gave them food and “they did _______.”

Have you ever helped out a stranger with food, lodging, or some other necessity? Notice what Hebrews 13:2 says, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained ____________ unawares.” They did not even realize that they were entertaining angels. They thought they were helping people!


— What is It like in hell?

   1. They suffer pain.

        a. Luke 16:19-23 shows that the rich man in hell “lift up his eyes, being in ______________.” (vs.23)

Note: Torment means “extreme pain and suffering.”

— Merriam Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

Illustration: When you are in extreme pain, you clench or grit your teeth. The Scripture describes people in hell doing that very thing. Please notice the next passage.

b. According to Matthew 13:40-42, in hell there will be wailing and ________________ of teeth. (vs.42)

Note: Gnash means “to bite or grind with the teeth”

— Merriam Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary

Hell is a place of extreme pain, and a place of physical reactions to that pain.


— What is It like in hell?

    2. They suffer thirst.

        a. The rich man in Luke 16:24 asks for Lazarus to be allowed to dip the tip of his finger in __________ to cool his tongue.

        b. Mark 9:42-48 describes a hell of no water, because ______ times it says the fire there is never quenched.


— What is It like in hell?

    3. They suffer heat.

        a. The rich man wanted his tongue to be “____________” in Luke 16:24.

      b. Matthew 13:49,50 describes hell as a “______________ of fire.”

        c. Mark 9:42-48 describes hell as a place, “Where their worm dieth not, and the ________ is not quenched.”

        d. According to Revelation 20:10, hell is described as a “________ of fire and brimstone.”

Note: A “lake” is a large “pool” of water. Even so, hell is described as a “pool” or “lake” of “liquid fire,” or as the inside of a furnace of fire. In all cases, it is described as a place of extreme heat and fire. So people in hell suffer extreme physical suffering.


Do all people in hell suffer to the same degree?

Does the person who has never heard the gospel suffer

the same degree as the person who preached a false

gospel? Does the basically “moral” person suffer

the same in hell as a vile, immoral criminal?


The answer is, “No, all people in the lake of fire do not suffer the same degree of punishment, although all suffer.”

    1. Revelation 20:12 says that the lost were “judged out of those things which were written in the books, __________________ to their works.”

Note: No one appearing at the Great White Throne Judgment is saved. Each one there is “condemned ______________, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18)

We know that because they are being judged according to their works, it cannot concern the matter of their salvation, because it is “Not by __________ of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us...” (Titus 3:5)


So if lost people are judged according to their works, then

it can only mean that they are being sentenced to different

degrees of punishment and torment in the lake of fire.


    2. According to Revelation 18:4-8, this one had glorified herself much, so “________ torment and sorrow give her.” (vs.7)

Note: The idea seems to be clear — “much sin upon earth — much torment in hell.”

    3. Luke 16:25 says that the rich man in his lifetime received good things, and Lazarus evil things: but after death their roles were the opposite — Lazarus was comforted, and the rich man was __________________.


The Scripture is also very surprising as to what sins

bring a person the most torment in hell.


    4. Please read Matthew 11:20-24 and answer the following questions.

        a. According to verse 20, the setting is that Jesus is upbraiding (scolding) the cities where “most of His mighty works were done, because they ________________ not.”

        b. Jesus tells Chorazin and Bethsaida that if the cities of Tyre and Sidon had seen His works like they had, then they would have repented; so it would be more __________________ in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for them. (vss.21,22)

        c. Jesus then turns to Capernaum and says that Sodom would have even responded and been spared if they would have seen His mighty works that Capernaum had, so it would be more __________________ for Sodom in the judgment than for Capernaum. (vss.23,24)

Note: This shows us that there is a sin which God considers to be even worse than the homosexuality of Sodom and Gomorrah — that is the sin of rejecting the Son of God Himself when confronted with His glory. These people will receive more torment in hell that the wicked, immoral people of Sodom.

Question: Seeming Jesus is now in heaven, and people cannot literally see Him with their eyes and still reject Him, is such a sin as the above mentioned still possible? Answer the following questions to see.

        d. Mark 6:7-12 says that Jesus sent out the ____________ disciples by two’s.

        e. According to verse 12 of that same passage, they went out “and ________________ that men should repent.”

      f. Verse 11 of that passage gives a warning: “whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you... It shall be more __________________ for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.”

Note: To reject even the disciples when they were out with the gospel message was to do worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and would thus receive more torment in hell.

Illustration: This is a very sobering thought. Think of all of the Americans who have heard the gospel time after time, but have rejected it. You probably know several of them personally. Think about it — they are going to suffer more in hell than the vile people from Sodom and Gomorrah!


— This is the physical aspect of hell, now let us look at another area:

B. Mentally.

    1. In Luke 16:25, Abraham said to the rich man in hell, “Son, ________________ that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things.”


This tells us that people in hell have a full memory

of things that happened when they were living upon earth.


Note: How bad can mental suffering possibly be when remembering past things? It can literally drive a person insane, and it can literally make a person physically ill and unable to eat, drink, or sleep.

    2. In that same chapter, verse 27-31 show another “thought” that now enters his mind - that of his ________ brethren back on earth whom he knows are not saved. (vs.28)


Some people think that they would rather go to hell than to heaven,

because, they say, “All my friends will be in hell — not heaven!  I would not even

feel at home in heaven!” Their “feelings” will quickly change when they get in hell.


Note: They will suddenly not want any of their friends or relatives to come to such a terrible place. But they will have the memory of how they joked about hell, and the fear that their friends and relatives will also end up there.


— There is yet another area to discuss about hell:

C. Spiritually.

    1. Jesus told Nicodemus, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is ____________.” (John 3:1-6)

Note: Even “religious” people like Nicodemus often do not realize what spiritual life really is. They can only fathom it in relation to physical life.

    2. According to Ephesians 2:12, those who are without God have no ________.

    3. Jude 6 describes hell as, “everlasting chains under ________________.”

    4. Jude 13 describes hell as a reserved place in the __________________ of darkness for ever.

Note: Hell is a place of no “hope” and no “light,” and those words describe “spiritual life.” Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the __________ of the world.”

Job said in Job 3:20, “Wherefore is __________ given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul?”

Illustration: “Light” is often associated with “hope.” On what days are people more depressed — sunny days, or cloudy days? ____________ Why?


Hell is a place of utter hopelessness and darkness.

Apart from spiritual life in Jesus Christ, there is

no light, and there is no hope.



    1. Strictly speaking, people who are in hell right now are there in the ____________ — not in the flesh.

    2. Spirit beings can appear in a bodily form capable of all physical activities, because the Lord and two angels appeared to Abraham and ______ the food he had prepared for them.

    3. When you are in extreme pain, you grit or clench your teeth. We know that people in hell are in extreme pain, because the Bible describes it as a place of “wailing and ______________ of teeth.”

   4. In hell, all people do not suffer the same ____________ of torment, but all suffer.

    5. Whoever would not receive or hear the disciples, it will be more tolerable for __________ and ________________ in the day of judgment, than for that city.

    6. People in hell have a full ____________ of things that happened when they were living upon earth.

    7. People may joke about wanting to go to hell because all of their friends are there, but when they get there, they will hope ________ of their friends or relatives have to come to such a terrible place.

   8. Hell is a place of no hope and no __________.


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